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SARANA INTERAKTIF BERBAGI! sangat mengharap sumbangan berbagai artikel dari para Pembaca yang budiman. Kesempurnaan hanyalah milik-Nya makadariitu sangat mengharap kritik dan saran dari Pembaca. Rachmat W. P.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Fernando de Noronha, Archipelago

Fernando de Noronha, Archipelago
Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, around 354 km offshore from the Brazilian coast. The islands of this archipelago are the visible parts of a range of submerged mountains. Consisting of 21 islands, the base of this enormous volcanic formation is 756 m below the surface. The main island, from which the group gets its name, makes up 91% of the total area.

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