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SARANA INTERAKTIF BERBAGI! sangat mengharap sumbangan berbagai artikel dari para Pembaca yang budiman. Kesempurnaan hanyalah milik-Nya makadariitu sangat mengharap kritik dan saran dari Pembaca. Rachmat W. P.

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Arenal Volcano

Arenal Volcano is an active andesitic (meaning that the rock has been crystallized from silicate minerals) stratovolcano in north-western Costa Rica, where Arenal is the youngest and most active of all the mountains. It was presumed extinct until July 29, 1968 when an earthquake caused it to erupt, after approximately 400 years of dormancy. Arenal rises 1657 m above sea level and overlooks Lake Arenal; both are part of Arenal Volcano National Park.

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